You can remove eyelash extensions with cream or gel remover and by manual techniques. But a cream remover is the safest way to remove lash extensions. Please always put eye patches under your lashes like lashing to avoid any damage to the skin. In this article, we will discuss two methods of eyelash extensions removal step by step. You can find the best one for your situation if you are new in the lash extensions industry. You have come to the right place. Now, let’s begin our journey.
Method one: With eye-patches

You will need a cream remover, two eye patches, micro brush. You have to use cream remover due to its consistency. We do not suggest using gel remover. Because this remover may irritate the client’s eyes if applied to lashes for a long time.
1.Put eye patches under lashes like before lashing.
2.Apply a cream remover to the base of the extensions. Make sure there is not too much or too little, just enough.
3.After applying cream remover, take your second pair of eye patches and place them on top of the extensions. Leave about 1,5-2mm from the eyelid. This will give a little heat and speed up the lash removal process.
4.After waiting for the scheduled time (usually 10-12 min, but always follow the manufacturer’s instructions).
5.Using your tweezers, gently lift the extensions and check if the extensions are ready to be swiped off.
6.Grab together the top and bottom eye patches. Very carefully and gently pull the eye patches away from the eye. Do this carefully to be sure you’re not opening the clients’ eyes while pulling.
7.All extensions will stay in between two eye patches.
8.Please ensure that all remover is swiped off, then clean the lashes with water. Take a clean micro brush and swipe off remover leftovers.
9.In the end, give a good lash bath and clean the lashes!
Method two: With tweezers or micro brushes

For this method, you can use gel or cream remover.
1.Place eye patches just like before lashing.
2.Apply a cream or gel remover to the base of the extensions. Make sure there is not too much or too little, just enough.
3.After you have left remover for the scheduled amount of time, you can take your tweezers or micro brushes.
If you will use tweezers, first check if the extensions are ready to be removed. If yes, with your tweezers, grab the extensions at the base and gently slide extensions of the natural lash. At this point, you must be very careful and gentle because if you slide too hard, you can easily prematurely pull out clients’ natural lashes. When all extensions are removed, take your tweezers and swipe off any remover that has been left.
If you will use micro brushes, before you start the removal process, check if extensions are ready to be removed. If yes, take two micro brushes. Place one under and one on the top of the lashes, carefully press them together and swipe the extensions off. When all extensions are removed, you can take back your tweezers or new, clean micro brushes and swipe off any remover that has been left.
At the end, give a good lash bath and clean the lashes!
Pro tip: With all removal methods, remember, never work in upward motions because that can cause clients’ eyes to open.